H hu777jing
MARKUS is of good compatibility and expansibility in terms of supporting multilingual interfaces. This feature allows developers to extend it into other languages easily. The development of the Korean version of MARKUS (hereafter referred to as K-MARKUS) is the first systematic attempt to adapt the model to another language. We conducted the project in 2017-2019, led by Prof. Hilde De Weerdt at Leiden University and in collaboration with the Institute of Traditional Culture in South Korea.
Figure 1: Screenshot of the Front Page of K-MARKUS
The development of the Korean version hinged on the adoption of databases developed in South Korea. The evaluation of available Korean historical data was the first step of the project. Based on our earlier research on the status of the field relating to Korean data, we understand that although there are abundant Korean historical data on a wide range of topics, those datasets are scattered and held by different organizations. In order to link the disparate datasets to the MARKUS platform, we built a partnership with the Institute of Traditional Culture, which we asked to integrate the datasets and create APIs to provide access to the aggregated data. This way, we were able to fetch the Korean data through the APIs provided by the Korean end, instead of tackling with the miscellaneous data as remote developers.
Figure 2: The process of how K-MARKUS fetches Korean data.After evaluating the most relevant and available Korean datasets on their accessibility, feasibility, quality, and compatibility, we decided to first implement automated tagging and identification of Korean personal names, places names, bureaucratic titles and books in K-MARKUS. In accordance with the named entity types, we retrieved 9 datasets from 6 databases held by different Korean organizations including the Academy of Korean Studies, the Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics and the National Institute of Korean History. As seen in Figure 3, each type of Korean named entities contains a number of datasets from different databases. In order to unify these heterogeneous databases into the framework of K-MARKUS, we tailored new database schemas according to each entity type, and created 4 independent APIs to access the corresponding data.
Figure 3: The four types of named entities in K-MARKUS and their data sourcesIn general, K-MARKUS maintains the major functionalities of the original version, such as the automated and manual mark-up of default named entities and user-generated tags, keyword discovery, batch mark-up, linked reference materials, data curation, content filtering, data export, as well as the associated textual analysis platforms and data visualization platforms linked with MARKUS. As demonstrated in Figure 4, users can start the automated tagging function by selecting Korean named entities in the markup options under the automated markup module.
Figure 4: Screenshot of implementing the automated markup function by selecting the Korean entities in the pop-up window of “automated markup options”.
Given that Korean historical data is well interlinked with each other, K-MARKUS also takes advantage of this feature and provides users with references to various external websites including historical maps, biographical databases, encyclopaedias, and historical text databases. For instance, users can check a Korean place in the Tongyŏdo historical map by clicking the link provided by the reference window, and examine its geographical features by zooming in and out. More importantly, as the Tongyŏdo map is linked to diverse digital archives preserving primary sources relating to each place, such as documents (e.g. gazetteers, official documents, slave-trade contracts, household registration document), figures, and events, users can access the historical sources through the entries on the digital map (see Figure 5).
Figure 5: Web reference for the Korean place Yangju (楊州) in K-MARKUS and linked primary sources relating to Yangju in different digital archives.
Figure 6 demonstrates how the K-MARKUS platform provides web references to the Korean book T'oegyejip (退溪集, “Collected works of Yi Hwang”). The Dictionary of Digerati offers two references for the book by providing a link to the bibliographic information in the Collection of Korean Literature and a link to the Encyclopedia of Veritable Records of the Chosŏn Dynasty. Users can also access the full text of the book as the bibliographic information includes a link to the full text.
Figure 6: The web references for the Korean book T'oegyejip and linked full-text.
In the same vein as the books, reference information for bureaucratic titles is also linked to the Veritable Records of the Chosŏn Dynasty (Chosŏn wangjo shillok 朝鮮王朝實錄). Users can check sources relating to the bureaucratic title in the Veritable Records of the Chosŏn Dynasty by selecting the date of the record (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: The web references for the Korean official title Kongjop'ansŏ (工曹判書, “Minister of Works”)
As mentioned above, other functionality such as the manual markup, keyword markup, passage filter and Comparativus work equally well for Korean texts. Figure 8 is an example of using the “keywords helper” function to retrieve all the accommodation spots in Pak Chiwŏn’s Yŏrhailgii (熱河日記, “Diary to Rehe”).
Figure 8: Using the Keywords helper in the keyword markup module to retrieve place names from Korean texts (Yŏrhailgi by Pak Chi-Wŏn)
Figure 9 demonstrates using Comparativus to compare two envoys’ travelogues written in the 18th century – Hong Daeyong’s Tamhŏnsŏ (湛軒書, “Collection of works by Hong Daeyong”) and Pak Chiwŏn’s Yŏrhailgii.
Figure 9: Using the Comparativus to compare Korean texts -- Tamhŏnsŏ and Yŏrhailgi.
Users can also export the tagged Korean texts to associated research platforms with MARKUS such as Docusky.
Figure 10: Exporting tagged Korean texts to associated platform (Docusky).
As the first attempt to extend MARKUS into another language, we prioritized the automated mark-up of Korean personal names, place names, bureaucratic offices and book titles in K-MARKUS. Nevertheless, there are tasks remaining as well. For instance, given that there is a wide variety of datasets on Korean historical events and cultural heritages, we hope we can structure these data and adopt them into K-MARKUS in the near future. Also, in view of the accessibility of Korean full-text data, K-MARKUS could include an “open access text lookup” function as well – which enables users to look up and access the full text from open access sources and automatically input the digital text to the K-MARKUS interface.!
X Xiong
Recently, I have been using MARKUS to explore information on city walls due to my participation in a project, the History of Chinese City Walls (1000-1900), organized by Professor Hilde De Weerdt with Jialong Liu’s collaboration at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. This project uses a digital approach to investigate the history of construction in imperial China. The main source materials for this project are Chinese local gazetteers. Most of these local gazetteers contain information on the geography, history, local government, infrastructure, products, people, literature, etc. of a particular region. These categories of information are often organized by listing items and describing them in regular linguistic patterns. We can, therefore, use the “regular expression markup” function in MARKUS to identify information about local construction in gazetteers.
To use the “regular expression markup” function the most significant step is to identify which patterns are used in the texts we would like to work with. If we regard “keywords” as characters, terms, phrases that appear in a fixed sequence, then “regular expressions” can be perceived as a sequence of characters, terms, phrases that specify a search pattern. In our construction project, we first conducted a pilot study to generate preliminary tag sets of keywords and regular expressions based on a close reading of inscriptions commemorating the construction or repair of city walls in the extant Song-Yuan local gazetteers and a small number of Ming gazetteers selected at random.
Let’s take a look at how we generated a list of regular expressions to describe the scale of the features of city walls. We first identified patterns appearing in the sample texts.
Then, we compiled a preliminary set of regular expressions based on the detected patterns. The basic symbols used to compile regular expressions were as follows:
The compilation of regular expressions began with identifying the character sets used to describe wall facilities:
Then, we identified the frequency with which the character set could appear and combined the character set and the frequency into one component of the regular expression.
Subsequently, we compiled the next component of the regular expression of the scale of wall facilities:
Next, we assembled all components together as one regular expression. An important tip when using regular expressions in MARKUS is to add one more parenthesis to enclose all components in order to turn them into one set:
After completing all the above steps, we inserted the complete regular expression into the MARKUS keyword markup module. To learn how this works, watch the tutorial video on “pattern markup.”
MARKUS will first show the number of results found in the selected text.
Click “confirm 確定”, and all results will have been tagged and will show in the chosen color. All results can be exported into an xls or cvs file for further analysis.
Regular expressions are a practical means for exploring and retrieving data which appear in well-defined patterns. MARKUS users can also use regular expressions in Batch-markup. This function allows users to annotate multiple tags in multiple texts at once. For example, we can insert four sets of regular expressions to search for information on length, height, thickness, budget, etc. of city walls in selected texts at the same time.
Then, MARKUS will tag all detected results as shown in the picture below. To learn how to use this function, watch the tutorial on Batch-markup.
Nowadays, a relatively large number of titles of Chinese local gazetteers has already been digitized. This allows users to apply regular expressions to exploring the data in gazetteers. However, some challenges still exist. One challenge is to balance specificity and vagueness in the compilation of regular expressions. For instance, it is possible to use a rather vague regular expression in order to search for all strings of numbers and measure units in gazetteer texts. However, the ensuing step of data-cleaning may thus become quite time-consuming filtering irrelevant information. By contrast, regular expressions that are too specific may result in the omission of targeted information that appears in a similar but more variegated pattern. The key to finding balance highly depends on the research questions and the scale of a given project.
Another challenge is to work with the variants of Chinese characters in the digitalized gazetteer corpus. Variants of a given character may exist in original texts, originated from gazetteer compilers’ choices or preferences. Character variants may also appear during the process of digitalization, such as OCR or coding. Take the character “高” (gao height), for example. Besides its most common variant 高, this character also has variants as
If we do not take these into account when compiling regular expressions, it is likely that relevant information will be omitted in the search results. To tackle this issue, we can first collect variants via close reading while identifying string patterns and later supplement desired but neglected variants into the current regular expressions during data-cleaning. However, a more effective way is to consult variant collections or dictionaries for characters that can be anticipated to appear in texts and insert the variant collections into the regular expressions.
Exploring data in Chinese local gazetteers with regular expressions is often based on trial and error. The more we grasp the features of targeted texts and the subtleties of regular expressions, the more effective our search for the desired information will be.